Am I ready?

Guest blog, by Jo Burke

Tracy Hutchison
4 min readAug 27, 2019

School places have been offered, acceptances made, induction meetings attended and start dates looming but are we ready?

Having worked as a Reception Teacher and in other Early Years roles for the last 15 years, I should be fully prepared but, when it’s your own child it feels a little different.

So, after a little reflection, these are the key skills we’ll be working to consolidate in our house to ensure we’re READY!


Does your child bounce back when faced with trials or failure?

As a family, we’re conquering cycling this summer. It’s something we’re all trying at different levels.

Does your child bounce back when faced with trials or failure?

I was delighted when my little one on arrival home today commented, “good cycling Mummy, you tried really hard!” She’s seen my challenge learning to get all three girls on the family bike and overcome my anxiety of being on busy roads whilst feeling really wobbly. There have been several frustrating technical failures at inopportune moments, but we’re continuing to celebrate when we get back up, rub those sore knees and keep on going!

Expressing Emotion

Give your child the emotional language to name and express their feelings.

Books are a great way to do this and I love Colour Monster and In My Heart.

Books are a great way to give your child the emotional language to name and express their feelings.

These are a great way to promote dialogue, validate your child’s feelings and help them to feel heard. There are lots of emotions bubbling around key times such as leaving Pre-School and starting school. We have been spending time untangling some of these significant emotions as we read Colour Monster. We’ve made faces in the mirror, used loose parts to create faces with different emotions and made our own feelings pebbles.

You could try choosing a feeling and think of something that made you all feel that way. We tried it on holiday and even my two year old could articulate that the seaside had made her excited and was sad when the seagull ate the crab!

Agile in mind and body.

Are they motivated to learn? Do they have an enquiring mind? Are they constantly asking questions? Can they problem solve or generate possibilities?

“All children start their school careers with sparkling imaginations, fertile minds, and a willingness to take risks with what they think.” Ken Robinson

Are they physically agile? Competent at running, skipping, jumping, climbing, scrambling and balancing? Can they swing from a tree branch or jump over waves?


Can they carry out a plan and keep going when it gets tough? Can they adapt the plan and explore alternatives to arrive at their desired outcome?

“If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original.” Ken Robinson.

Yes Yes Yes!

I am ready to try new things and make new friends.

I am ready to meet this year’s new challenges.

“If you can light the spark of curiosity in a child, they will learn without any further assistance.” Ken Robinson

Getting ready for the first day:

● That first day might be tough but paint on that smile, confidently give a hug and a kiss. Then, leave swiftly.

● Collect them at the end of the first day with snacks. Low energy levels and ‘hangry’ children at the end of the day is no fun for anyone!

● Don’t put too much pressure on them for details of the day. Let them unwind. We often walk home from Pre-School and while I share my day my eldest chips in with “we didn’t have that for snack we had…” Or “ I painted too” and she will gradually reveal her day in her own time. Other good talking times in our house seem to be in the bath and the moment just before we turn the light off!

● Book in some reconnection time. Term time is going to be busy and reception children will be ready for a break by half term. Plan in some downtime and quality 1:1 with your child. Reconnect doing something you enjoy together. My quality time is baking with my eldest on a Friday lunchtime when the little ones nap so I’m going to find different ways to have Mummy and Big Girl time.

What things do you have planned to reconnect?

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Thank you for reading our guest blog by the fabulous Jo Burke.

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Thanks, Tracy!



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